
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why so Serious?

Photo Credit - Dawn Hudson - Public Domain Pictures

Lately I’ve been spending some time thinking about the difference in the world today compared with what the world was like when I was growing up. I’m not talking about the technological achievements or any other modern day conveniences. I’m referring to the changes in people themselves, their attitudes and the way they see and think about the world around them. That, in turn, got me thinking about the generation before me and so on and on. As I continued with this train of thought I asked the question, “Why is everyone so serious these days?”

Here’s the thing, there has always been war, racism, hatred, genocides, famine, disease, and suffering in general but these days it feels like this is all we focus on. The current state of the world feels tragic and it appears that this feeling of tragedy is shared by a great many people. We hear all sorts of reports about young people today and how they have to deal with this, that, and the other thing and how much of a toll it takes on them, but everyone seems to forget that we all grew up with many of the same things we just handled it a bit different. Our solutions consisted mostly of either never speaking about it or just dealing with it because that’s the way life is. This isn’t going to be a post, however, about the tragedies of a generation, no; this is going to be a post of remembrance, one that will hopefully invoke that world consciousness and strike a chord within humanity that allows people to finally, once again, lighten up!

Let’s take a look. In fairly recent U.S. history we had the “roaring” twenties and even in the middle of a depression and prohibition the party spirit carried on with the speak easies and  some good ol’ fashioned, sometimes blinding, moonshine. The forties were fab and the war boys and the girls of the U.S.O. made even the horrific event of a world war seem classy and the country rallied to everyone’s aid. People donated their tires; they saved up their green stamps and harvested their victory gardens. By the fifties everyone was living the “American Dream” even if you had nothing at all you knew you didn’t have to remain that way, with some hard work and some frugal spending anyone could own their own little piece of America. The sixties may have seen a huge revolution and a change in how humanity looked at each other, but it also ushered in the decade of brotherly love where, “If you can’t be with the one you love, honey, love the one you’re with” was the rule of the road, and the road was open to anyone who had a thumb, a bike, or a car. By the time the eighties and nineties were over something had happened, the world began communicating like never before and suddenly it was in everyone’s face.

Is this what happened? Did people “wake up” and realize that there was suffering and discontent all around them? Is this why everyone became so damn serious about life? No. No, it’s not! I’m here to tell you why so listen up. In today’s world we have seen and heard about some awful things, things that would make your hair curl, make you ashamed to be human. How can we do these things to another human being, to an animal, to mother earth? Well, the fact is we’ve been doing it all along. There was never a time in human history where we were without atrocities so terrible that it disgusted the average human being to the point of wanting to vomit the foulness from the guts of humanity itself. The difference? People also knew that compared to the horrific things that were taking place around them, their life in comparison, wasn’t too bad.

That’s it people. There was a time in human existence when we understood that yesterday was gone and there was nothing you could do about it now, that tomorrow would take care of itself if it decided to be there for you, and that all you really had was right here and now; and if you’re not dying then things could always be worse so be happy with what you have, right here and now because if you want more from life all you have to do is make it happen. Buck up, take some responsibility for yourself and if you want things to be different in your life, change those things. And most importantly, while you’re changing those things live a little, because that’s really all you have when it comes down to it. It is my humble opinion that people were happier “back then” because they understood that all you really have is today, here and now, so enjoy it. The real waste of a life is spending seventy plus years, or however many you might be given, and never really enjoying it. So people, my words to you...Lighten up! Don’t be so damn serious all the time. Have some fun and enjoy being with whomever you’re with right now because you never know what tomorrow will bring. Be glad that you have this moment and make the best of it. Enjoy your life for whatever its worth. Peace and love man, peace and love :-)

And here’s a little note to get you started....

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