
Friday, July 14, 2017

The Shift

Society is shifting back to favoring religion over science. This is why Turkey will no longer teach evolution in its schools. This is why the US is turning to private schools where religion of choice can be taught without having to include any science to back it up. Where the science of climate change is openly challenged and people turn their back on anything that makes their religious perspective something to think about.

Just as in the days of Galileo’s persecution where it was considered heresy to say anything against the church; people are once again creating a mindset of stubborn imbalance. They look upon our world and can’t handle the idea that perhaps science can truly explain the mysteries of life. In their minds that creates a conflict because can there be a mystery if we have solved it …how can God still exist if we understand how the multiverse works? They fear the two cannot co-exist. This fear causes a rise in religious extremism. People turn violent trying to prove to others that their spiritual experiences are real. They try to convince themselves that if only everyone else would see God through their eyes the world would be a better place.

On the flip side, if we were to embrace just the scientific and forget the spiritual aspect of existence we would discover what we have already lived during the Industrial Revolution…mankind begins to turn its back on the planet altogether and simply looks for and takes anything we can find to make our lives easier and fatter. We suck up every resource until there is none left, until we have drained the mother dry. We watch as wars manifest over who has and who has not, we see cities crumble, we see species fall and become extinct, we watch the sea rise and the sky burn just so we can have more. Our thirst is never quenched because we have left our purpose, our meaning of life, behind. We have forgotten our duty to the earth and our spirit suffers because of the disconnect. We are left untethered to the tree of life, floating adrift in our armchairs.

The brief moment of the enlightenment era and a few other times…perhaps the industrial age…the dawn of the bronze age, the iron age…ect…these are moments when mankind embraced their intellectual gifts but they failed to fully incorporate spirit. We took our science and creative knowledge and waged war, made better weapons, created a life of leisure for ourselves, when we should have used this knowledge to tend to our responsibility of caring for the earth. With each failure to recognize our responsibility the human race is set back again, like being trapped in Newton’s Cradle, we bounce back and forth between religion and science; history repeats itself. After a period of intellectual boom we realize that we have cut ourselves off from spirit and then swing back to regain the connection. We long to get it right but as a collective society we tend to be led by extremists.

Picture Newton’s Cradle as a demonstration of society… the two outer balls represent the extremes of religion and science with most people somewhere in middle. The outer balls feed off the energy of the balls in the middle but what many forget, or don’t understand, is that the middle balls are also feeding and delivering energy to each other. This is why people in shamanistic cultures understand that they can give or receive energy, wanted or not, to other people they encounter. The effect of this energy can then be carried through society as with Newton’s Cradle and cause the pendulums to swing one way or the other. Western culture has forgotten this, or cares not to consider it, which may well be the reason for so much illness – spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. As the energy ripples through society the pendulums swing and the middle balls both give and receive the energetic flow.

What does this mean for us? Because we are stuck in this back and forth pattern between religion and technology, we suffer as a population and we take the earth and its inhabitants with us. We should be using our spiritual sense to guide us into what needs to be done to keep the planet safe and then use our science to accomplish this. We were given our intelligence so that as stewards of the earth we can create and manage what needs to be done. We have lost that sense of responsibility and that has resulted in a dis-spiriting of the collective, which in turn allows technology and intelligent thought to run a muck…this is why we have greed, war, and power struggles. Then, when it gets to be too much for the collective to handle anymore we are thrown back to the spiritual but most people look at the spiritual through the eyes of a specific religion…this creates the religious conflicts and persecution of those who are of different faiths or those who favor science. We must, as a collective find the balance between the spiritual and the scientific before we will be able to guide, and act as stewards, to the planet. If this cannot be achieved we will not be given the opportunity to proceed, grow, or develop as a race….we will remain trapped in the cradle until we have depleted our energy, destroying ourselves and our charge.

As we swing back and forth the results we see are science and technology being used to damage our charge; such as in the case of fracking, burning coal, and using pesticides, or becomes one of genocide, persecution, and religious war because each religious group believes it has the proper answer. However, the answer lies in the middle ground, in the compromise; we need to leave religion to the individual, allowing them to truly find their own spirit path. We need to use our intellect collectively to find a way to save our planet by managing our resources and distributing them in a manner that allows each living entity its proper place and respect. We’re a bunch of smart cookies but our fear of responsibility and our belief in manifest destiny is dooming us all.

If people would come to understand that the spirit world will always have its mysteries because the human mind will never just stop wondering if there’s more to life, while seeing that the natural world is full of the tangible promise of discovery and has been given to us to guard and care for; we would come to a proper balance and escape the cradle. I must believe that such a task would not be given to someone who is incapable of fulfilling it. We can do this by using science and logical thought which is guided by spirit. These are the gifts granted us by spirit. They have given us a way to tend to our responsibility but mankind has been afraid of taking that step, so they revert. Such is the case throughout history.

If we want to regain our life purpose, our feeling of accomplishment, and our meaning for life then we need to first recognize and embrace the knowledge that is within us…we are here as stewards of this planet. It is our life’s work, our purpose to care for her and all her inhabitants; to make her healthy and fruitful. When we see this, and embrace it we can be free to use all that is within our grasp to fulfill our task. We can combine our scientific knowledge and our spiritual experience to finally achieve true wisdom. And, after all what is wisdom but the ability to use our knowledge properly. Spirit and Science together… Spirituality for the individual – Science for the whole. In the end, we can save the planet and while we’re at it, we’ll save ourselves.

Monday, June 19, 2017

The Value of Life

Picture Courtesy Of - Anny Cecilia Walter

What determines the value of life? Are humans more important than animals? Is an unborn baby’s life more important than the mother’s? What about a terrorist, is their life equal to the victim of their attack?

I say they are all of equal standing, that life, no matter what or whose it is are all on equal ground. How can I claim this? How can I possibly think that the life of a terrorist is equal to that of an innocent child? I can claim this because I am speaking only of the life itself and not of the emotional value that I place upon it.

The separation of the two, life and the emotional values that one attaches to a particular life, are very different matters. The life of those closest to me, the people I have an emotional attachment to are going to be far more valued to me than someone of whom no emotional attachment has been made. I will certainly feel the life of my daughter is more important than the life of a stranger but this is not because my daughter’s life is truly more important. To the stranger’s family the stranger’s life will be the one taking precedent. The emotions connected to the lives we encounter determine their worth to us.

Can an animal be just as important as a human family member? Yes. The emotional value placed on the animal by a person can be just as deep and complicated as one’s connection to a member of the same species. If that person has developed complex emotional ties to another living being the value they place on that being’s life is every bit as real as the value they have placed on a human’s.

It can be difficult to separate our emotions from one living being to another. This is why some living beings will fight to the death to protect the ones they love. Their emotional investment is so deep they are not able to see beyond the love that they feel. They would rather suffer the pain of death than see or be aware of the suffering of the one they are invested in.

All of this though, is illusory. It doesn’t change the actual value of the life at stake. If a person were made to choose between the death of a loved one and the death of a stranger, it would be expected that they would choose to save the one they love. If, however, that same person was made to choose between two people they had never met and knew nothing about, it would render the person indifferent as to who should die. While they may feel abhorrent about having to make the choice, without an emotional value attached to either person the choice is strictly pragmatic.

If each life, then, is measured by the emotional value placed upon it, the causes we fight for; the rights of the unborn, those on death row, the starving children, those suffering from medical ailments, animals being senselessly slaughtered…all of it…becomes an illusion. The reality of it is that no one life is more important than any other, it is our emotional attachments that create the illusion in our minds that one life is more important than another.

Therefore, holding this to be true; if humans could set their emotions aside and detach from the causes they have become emotionally invested in, they should be able to place an equal standard onto all living beings. By doing so, they then should be able to step back and truly see life on even ground. Once this has been accomplished the emotional investment they had prior can then be reapplied creating a deeper appreciation of the love they had to begin with while continuing to hold an understanding and equal reverence for all life no matter how unassuming it may be.

It is essential for a human being to be able to remove oneself from emotional attachment in order to truly appreciate the emotional attachments they have. Any failure to do this leaves a person in the illusory state which causes them to mistakenly believe that one life is more precious than another and that death is acceptable for a being of lesser value. If we choose to rest in this illusion then it seems doubtful that we will ever be able to rise above our emotional selves making it impossible to discover a higher potential, a higher self within one’s self. As the human race has, for centuries, sought to become more civilized, more understanding and caring, more aware of the needs of those around us I would suggest that it has become even more important now to detach emotionally so as to re-sensitize, or reset, our emotional compass.

By no means am I saying that we should become emotionless. I would not advocate turning one’s self into a cold, empty vessel. It may seem an oxymoron but by detaching from our emotional investments we become more open to being emotionally invested on a larger scale. Creating an emotional detachment happens by consciously acknowledging our emotional attachments for what they are, an emotional investment we have made. We must understand our emotional investments so that we become capable of recognizing when our connection with someone is causing a prejudice response toward another, thereby devaluing the other’s life. By doing this, senseless loss of life will come to an end.

Every living being wants to continue to live. Ask yourself this, why does the zebra run from the lion? It does so because it understands that it will die if it is caught….and well, no one wants to be a meal. Prey wouldn’t run from predators if they didn’t want to live. It is the most basic instinct of the living…survival. From plant life to us everything that is alive will do all in its power to stay alive. With this ingrained so deeply throughout the cosmos how can one possibly believe that their right to exist outweighs the right of another?

The value of a life is simply this…it’s alive. Working to truly understand this on the most primal level can alter a perspective and create a deeper sense of compassion. With a deep compassion comes the ability to value all life equally which in turn allows a person to live in better harmony with other living beings. When more people are living in harmony the world becomes a better place. If you want the world to be better, release your emotional ties by accepting that the values you place on life are due to the emotional investments you have made throughout your lifetime. Once this has been accomplished your compassion for all living beings will increase and you will be a better person, creating a better world.

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Disrespecting of Donald Trump

I have always been taught that respect is earned. It is earned mutually through the process of building trust, offering compassion, and understanding the views of others – especially if those others are in a position of subordination.

That said, I believe a dangerous precedent is being established which is undermining the structure of the United States of America and, due to our ranking in the political realm, the world. In my opinion, Donald Trump has not met the criteria for earned mutual respect.

I have watched Donald Trump’s displays throughout his campaign and his Presidency thus far. I have yet to witness a sincere act of respect for any person or thing. I believe he completely lacks the ability to feel true respect for anyone, let alone those who offer a different opinion. However, he fully expects and demands that every living being on earth (possibly beyond) show him the respect he believes he is entitled to.

Americans believe that our forefathers were men of honor, respect, and dignity. We have been taught that the office of the president is one which shares those same qualities. Let me ask you this, have you ever been witness to a boss who yells at and belittles his employees in front of everyone? My guess is that you probably have, because people like that exist. Did you find yourself thinking, “Wow! What a jerk!” My guess, again, is that you did. So, this is why I don’t understand how the good people of this country, people I have come to respect, can be alright with Trump’s actions. The way I see it he is belittling anyone who feels or thinks differently and is doing it very publicly and well…”Wow! What a jerk!”

Do you see? I may have varied opinions on the policies of this administration. I may choose to speak my mind against some of them or I may even choose to support a particular stance, but that is irrelevant. My issue here is that I cannot, in good conscience, support any person that I do not respect. I wouldn’t respect the boss who is belittling his employees in public any more than I can respect the President who belittles the very people he is responsible for. Without that respect I cannot trust him. I cannot feel a great deal of compassion for him. I cannot believe that he has the ability to understand the issues of those dependent on him, or that he even truly cares about them.

I feel that Donald Trump’s disrespect for our system of government is obvious. He believes he is entitled to do what he wants when he wants. When he is questioned via the legitimate processes of balances and checks established by our forefathers, he offers public condemnation and mockery to those opposing him. It upsets me that there are people in this world who are alright with this behavior. Personally, I think it’s bad enough coming from any one person but coming from the President of the United States, well…it’s downright shameful. How can I be expected to give a man a “chance” when he clearly disrespects me? How can you?

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Defining Point

No Pictures Today - Just a Simple Message

In the long dark corridors of the mind it is easy to get turned around; to lose track of a thought and travel down a distant road of logic that seems to be going in the correct direction. What some don’t realize is how easy it is to find your way back onto the proper path. It’s a word, one word, that you need to consider, you all know the word but you may not think of it the way I do so here’s my definition…

LOVE: Opening to the calming and serene feeling of others. Accepting the peace from within all living things as your own.

When my thoughts take me anywhere that causes me to lose touch with this definition I know I need to find my way back to the correct path. I need to re-examine my thinking; understanding that as a human being my thoughts are driven by emotion no matter how logical I think I am. Every thought within my brain, my body, is directed by an emotional response. Love is an emotion; we all know this. Hate, fear, anger are emotions as well, and they can be tricky. They can disguise themselves as love but only on the surface. The true test of love is inner peace and a peace that connects us to one another.

You can test yourself anytime, it’s very simple. Whatever you are doing, thinking, living at the moment, stop, ask yourself honestly, does this thought or action create a feeling of true peace inside me? If the answer is no, then it is not driven by love. If what you feel is stress or anger, then it’s time to find your way back to the true path. I can’t tell you how to traverse the logic and emotions of your own mind but I can give you the compass. Love is North. When you rethink the situation that made you so angry or so stressed out, turn around, look back at the train of thought that brought you to that point. Often the mere act of stopping and asking yourself, how did I get so angry, will allow you to open up to the love that is there and you will find your way back.

There are those of us, though, who have become so lost, so consumed by what they think is love that the truth of inner peace has been replaced by a morally driven combative purpose. An all-out war against their perceived evils and fears consume their minds. A forest of brambles, vines, and treacherous looking trees block them from finding their inner peace, their love…they are the truly lost…and they are helpless to find their own way back. This, my friend, is the reason why my love, your love, our love together is so vital to the survival of this world, so please…take this compass and use it. It falls to us to find our love because it is only in doing so that we can spread it. Our inner peace, when truly found, becomes outer peace. It becomes recognizable to other people, acting as a beacon to the lost. We all know that “beautiful” person, the one who evokes peace, harmony, and compassion just by looking at them. This is a person who is projecting that inward love outwards. This person could be you. This person NEEDS to be you. Without you this world suffers, you are the love that we need.

Monday, December 1, 2014

What Hyena and Elephant Have Taught Me

Picture Credits - Public Domain Pictures
Hyena - Petr Lehnert
Elephant - Piotr Wojtkowski

Many people who know me know that I practice a form of Shamanism. My spiritual instincts have led me to a place in my life where I believe that I am able to learn and grow spiritually through this practice. Even though consciously, I question the state of the multiverse and whether or not a creator, or creators, actually exist I have been taught from a young age that one does. Because of this my subconscious will always rationalize my experiences so that they fall in line, in some way, with what I was taught as a child. As I have grown spiritually over the years, however, I have left organized religion behind. I certainly do not oppose it; I think most people in this world today still need it. I would never intentionally mock it even though I feel that it has caused many troubles in the world today. I have also seen it do much good. That said, my path takes me on a different journey than most.

Shamanism is a form of spiritual practice which involves working with animal spirits. There are many layers, planes of existence, within the spiritual world. A Shaman will mentally and spiritually travel to the plane where the animal spirits exist. Once arrived on this plane, a mutual agreement is made and through this lessons, or wisdoms, are taught to the Shaman via the animal spirit guides. I make it a habit to frequent this realm and each week I perform a ritual to strengthen the bond with my animal guides. It is through this song and dance that Hyena and Elephant have shown me a lesson that I feel needs to be shared with the world. That is the reason I am sharing what normally would be a very private matter, with you today.

Animal spirits can be associated with the elements; fire, earth, water, and air, depending on the lesson the animal spirit chooses to relate. However, there are loose guidelines which can categorize the spirit guide. Each element represents a “type” of, or characteristic of, the animal. Fire represents the hunter, strong animals that prey on others such as, Tiger, Alligator, and Hyena. Earth represents the more docile animals such as Deer, Monkey, and Elephant. The water element contains animals of the water, Dolphin, Orca, and Otter. Lastly, the element of air holds within it spirit guides such as, Eagle, Owl, and Crow. During the dance ritual the Shaman embodies an animal spirit from each element. During this embodiment the Shaman talks to the spirit and learns from them, in return the animal spirit can experience the material plane for a short time. Usually, it is mutually satisfying but during one of my recent dances it was not and it was through this dissatisfaction that this lesson was learned.

My physical self suffers with an autoimmune arthritis called Ankylosing Spondylitis. The condition makes it difficult to move normally. This has never been an issue for me while embodying the Fire Spirits, but on this occasion that changed. Hyena presented itself to me and as I took on the embodiment Hyena rejected me saying it did not want a broken body. When I asked why, Hyena said it would not be able to enjoy the kill of its prey fully in a broken body. It wanted to feel the pleasure of tearing its prey apart. I was disturbed by this and gave Hyena its leave. At first I think I may have been a bit offended, but the more troubling issue was knowing that Hyena liked to kill. Hyena wasn’t killing its prey to survive as most of the prey animals do, it was killing for the fun of it. To me, that felt evil and I was upset.

I turned to Earth and Elephant came forward. Here was an animal so different from Hyena. Elephant was a loving mother who would stay with her dying calf, abandoning the safety of the herd, to ensure that the baby died peacefully. Elephant would defend her calf to its last breath and all the while, touching it with her trunk to comfort it. I asked Elephant how can it be that you and Hyena are so very different? Why does Hyena want to kill? Elephant’s reply was simple, “There will always be those who get their pleasure from killing and destruction. It is true throughout the natural world. Humans are a part of the natural order and as such there will always be those who thrive on the pain and destruction of others. While some people may find and except love not all can be saved. This is the truth of the world.”

And so it is. Hyena and Elephant reminded me that not every person can be taught to love. It is a sad fact that some people enjoy being evil. These people, as hard as it is to swallow, will never change. They are Hyena. The rest of us must remain on guard to our last breath with or without our herd. We must look after those whom we love, and share our love with those who will accept it. We must go on teaching our young that family is important and through our love of one another we will find protection and rest from the evils in this world. That is what I needed to share. My thanks to Elephant, and also to Hyena, for reminding me of this valuable lesson.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Is Religion Killing Us?

Image Credit - Paul Brennan - Public Domain Pictures

We see it everyday all around us. Religion with its icons and archetypes are never far from any one of us. Even to a person who claims Atheism, the barrage of religious traditions is perfectly recognizable. It’s easy to claim that the vast majority of people today can identify the symbols which represent the most common religions. The Christian Cross, the Star of David, the Star and Crescent of Islam, even the Pentagram of the Nature Religions has become known to most. Religion has become embedded in today’s society, and on into every individual’s life, whether or not you personally adhere to one. And yet, within the cry of “love your brother” we kill and maim in name of God.

Unless you've been living under a rock, no matter where in the world you are, the actions of ISIS set an example of how horribly twisted the “Word of God” can get. Any average Joe understands the danger and damage possible when fanatics/extremists from any religion are turned loose on society at large. But what about those who are practicing the love that is taught through these religions, surely that can’t be a bad thing can it?

The reason I ask is because I wonder if the world would be better off without religion of any kind. Are the religious using their faith as a crutch? Are human beings being held back from what may be the real truth because they are blinded by their faith? Perhaps there is no God. Maybe people are too afraid, down deep, to deal with issues like death, and extreme poverty and need, so they make up this Godhead to answer the questions they can’t.

I really don’t want to offend anyone, but these are honest questions that I ask myself. I understand that the faith a person holds in their deity can be an absolute. To a person who believes there are no lingering questions as to what happens after death, or why perfectly good people are plagued with the destruction and greed from, what can only be deemed, evil people, God’s will can be a satisfactory answer. Many times when presented with these questions a person of faith will simply reply that if everyone else would finally come to their senses and except their God, the world’s problems would go away. I guess to an extent that’s true. I mean if every human being on the planet shared the exact same dogma and saw God in the exact same way, perhaps the world would be a better place. I, however, am more pragmatic than that and I understand that even if every person shared the same dogma there would still be conflict because one person’s vision of God is never going to fully match another’s. In other words, I think that as long as religion exists people are going to fight about it, and it’s going to end bloody.

So now what? What are we to do in this world where, religion, our own beliefs are killing us? I’m afraid that due to my pragmatism, again, I have to be the bearer of bad news. The possibility of everyone abandoning their faith for the betterment of the world is really just as far fetched as hoping that one day people we will all believe in the same God. So now, for what it’s worth, here are my thoughts on how to come to grips with our religious differences.

I think that humans need an answer to life’s immortal questions. We want to know and understand what will happen to us when we die. Are we really going to be reunited with our loved ones or will we simply fade into the nothingness of dreamless sleep? I can’t answer that. I know I can’t answer that, so why bother my brain with it at all? My loved ones are either out there somewhere waiting for me or they’re not. I’ll find out when I’m dead, or, maybe I won’t.
Why is there so much evil in this world? Because sometimes people suck. There are people in this world who want to squeeze every last drop, of whatever they can get, out of it. If you want to make the world a better place, decide now that you are not going to be one of those people. Does the thought of that make you afraid that you’ll be left behind? Who cares!? Why would you want to be with that crowd anyway? Find your own way, find good people, and work with them to make the world good, and I don’t mean good as in everyone needs to think my way good, but in the way of, truly good. Love people, care about people, help them when you can and don’t take advantage of those who have opened their hearts and souls to you.

I think that there are many good people in the world and that most people really do want to do what’s right. Sometimes things get confusing, people get scared and they may make a bad choice but that’s not the same thing as being “evil”. To the people out there who are truly “evil”, you know who you are, I say; I don’t know what happened in your life to screw you up so bad and there’s nothing that I can do to change your circumstances, so...if you don’t like what you see in the mirror then change. It’s that simple, really. Take it from this recovering alcoholic; the only thing that is going to release your pain is your ability and your desire to let it go. The world is what it is and if we want it to be a better place then we need to make ourselves better. Love and Respect are two very important words to know and practice. It doesn't take religion to understand compassion, and it doesn't take religion to be a good person. If you find that having faith in a God helps you to deal with your deepest fears, then so be it. Just remember that you are unique. Even if you are surrounded by others who share the same dogma, when it comes down to picturing the big picture everyone sees their own artistic interpretation of it, so relax and don’t try shoving your vision down someone else’s throat. If you honestly want the world to be a better place then accept others for who they are and allow them the same respect you would want for yourself.

I know this has been a long post and that after all these words are written and read it really comes down to a simple statement. Live and let live. The world will be a better place because of it.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Hanging on to Hope

Photo Credit - Rostislav Kralik - Public Domain Pictures

Before I get started I would like to apologize for the long wait between this and my last post. I was having some computer issues which prevented me from being able to write. However, that said, it lends me the opportunity to share with you now my perspective on hope. Yes, it’s a strange segue but I think when I’m done you’ll see how it all fits together.

For the most part, in my little piece of the world, my life goes on undisturbed from day to day. I have, at times, had major life issues of course, but on a daily basis my biggest worries are usually things of a more mundane nature. Sometimes I worry about paying the bills, this past week I worried about getting my computer up and running again. What does this have to do with hope you may ask? I’m getting to that.

First, let me tell you what happened when my computer started giving me issues. You may find this hard to believe but it’s true. After the initial, “Well, this sucks!” I thought to myself, “I guess all in all I’m pretty lucky. I could be dealing with a much worse situation. There are people throughout the world fighting each day just to survive and my biggest worry today is if I can get my computer working again.” Do you see where I’m going here? Sure, my life could be worse but that’s not really it. There’s so much more than just, it could be worse. It’s about how the people who are having it worse continue on, how they find the strength to keep going, how they can grasp onto the tiny bits of hope and pull themselves up; and also, how I (we), who has (have) much less to worry about can learn and in turn share back the hope to those people who gave it to me (us) in the first place.

I’d like to share a bit with you about the days following my daughter’s death. I’m not ready, yet, to go into the depths of my feelings and thoughts on the subject but something happened when she died that you should know about.

As a recovering alcoholic I know all too well that the death of a loved one could easily lead to a relapse, even for a veteran of 21 years now. Because I know this and even though I didn’t feel like I wanted a drink, I knew I had to get myself to a meeting. Now, prior to this, I hadn’t been to a meeting in a good long time. I had moved to a new city and never bothered to check out where any meetings were even held. Needless to say, I was downtrodden enough and not really in a state of mind to go looking up local meetings. Here’s where the universe comes in....I know because this sort of thing happens to me often...if you strive to live your life in tune with the energies around you, life will find a way of giving you what you need. Getting back to the AA meetings...I’m trying to comprehend that my baby, my youngest daughter, has passed away but the rent still has to be, I walk over to the church, where I’m renting from, to pay the rent and on the front door of the place there’s a little ol’ sign, “Tonight’s  7:00 PM AA meeting has been moved to room XXX.” I kid you not. So at 7:00 I went to the meeting without knowing what type of meeting it would be. Some are quite large with one or two people sharing their experience, other’s are smaller and more intimate. This one, as it turns out, was the latter. I walked into a group of about 7 or 8 people who listened to me introduce myself and then put the entire itinerary on hold for the night so that they could listen to me and so they could assure me that they were there for me and they cared.

I don’t know if you see the connection here to hope, yet, but for me it’s like this. That little sign on the door gave me a spark of hope during the darkest days of my life. The people that were there for me gave me the confidence to go on and the hope that someday light would return to my life. It’s in these small things that I find the largest gifts and I can’t help but feel that I’m not the only one in this world who understands that.

When I hear about or read the news and see such awful things happening in the world, people in the Ukraine and Russia, the Middle East, and Africa living with the daily horrors of war. Others dealing with illness, famine, natural disasters, everywhere I look I see what could be seen as hopelessness, but I don’t. Instead I see hope. I see that despite the most horrendous difficulties and the highest obstacles people continue to move forward, they trudge on and I believe they do this because they have hope. Somewhere inside them they find that same little spark and believe it’s going to get better so they keep going and in the process they set an example, an example of hope for the next person who is struggling through what could be a hopeless situation. It’s hope that has allowed the human race to persevere. It’s hope that motivates each and every one of us to get up and get on with our day, our lives, and our dreams of a better life.

Human beings are a remarkable species and our ability to hold on to hope is one of the reasons why. I can survive the death of my daughter because I have hope that maybe, just maybe, one day joy will return to me, I hope that I can give her son a vivid, lasting image of her, and that even though we have to go on without her, life can still be good. Our species thrives on this type of hope. When we see it in others we are inspired to hang on to our hope and a beautiful circle of hope and light is created and carries onward throughout the existence of the human animal.

So there it is, one strange little incident that began with a computer malfunction that blossomed into an entire contemplative experience. If you’re reading this then my hope for you is that you find within yourself the hope you need at this moment in your life. Know that somewhere out in this large world you have an ally who is hoping to pass the spark along to you and hoping that you, in turn, will keep that spark alive by passing it on to someone else. In these troubled times be of good cheer and hope for a better tomorrow. And remember that even in the smallest incidents hope can live large.