
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Welcome to the Blog

Hi and thanks for the read. I figure that since this is my first post on this new blog that I would use it to give everyone a better idea of what type of posts one might expect to find here. I’ve struggled for a while now with content issues, the big Qs - “What is my brand, my niche?” “What is it about me that would make a reader like you care what I have to say?” These are the questions that most professional bloggers tell a person they need to answer if they want to have a successful blog. Since I have a lot of interests and a lot of world experience this seemed to be a question that might never be answered.

I have an online store - GrandmaTerri at so I thought, “Maybe do a blog about sewing and crocheting.”

I've raised 9 children and have 4 grandchildren (one of whom I’m currently raising), and another on the way so I thought, “Maybe I should blog about family, specifically about the child/parent dynamic.”

I’m a recovering alcoholic and drug addict with 21 years of sobriety so I figured, “I could blog about addiction and recovery.”

I've lost too many people that I have loved including my mother, my father, and a daughter, so it occurred to me that, “I could blog about the loss of a loved one and the affects that are associated with that.”

These are just a few samples, though, of the life experiences that have made me who I am, so how do I choose my “niche” each one of these things is important. It seemed like any one of these myriad of subjects could be a compelling blog. Finally, I came to a decision. I looked at all of the things in my life that I have done, been through, survived, and cared about and then I realized that given it all, I’m still here. I’m still hanging on. I’m strong and despite some very bleak and despairing moments in my life, I continue to believe that life is good and that even in the darkest times it’s possible to find that faith within yourself that tells you it’s going to be ok, that climbing up that ladder only to be knocked down again is a normal part of life. I know that every human being has gone through their own trials, has had their own moments of highs and lows and that’s the common thread which binds humanity together. Given that, I can’t help but feel that no matter how much better someone else’s life may look, my life has been, and remains good too.

This, I think is my niche. Not the, “Oh, I’m so happy all the time” optimist. That’s not real. That’s not what life is. No, I think my “niche” is reality and the pragmatic view of life in the world around me which keeps me grounded. This is who I am and I think that any person who has ever gone through a difficult life situation (yes, that is everyone) can understand that there is a way to make life good just have to find it. This is what spurred the concept behind, “I See the Green Grass” In this blog you will find life’s moments, the ups and the downs, but more importantly you’ll find the realistic thoughts - good and bad - which can give an aching heart and a broken person the strength to carry on, because the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.