
Thursday, March 27, 2014

To Sci-Fi Live or Not to Sci-Fi Live?

Photo Credit - AMC

I’ve decided to write on a topic today that’s not too heavy. I know that a few of my topics can get pretty personal and hit some deep notes for people. Today’s post is not one of those, so prepare to have a bit of fun.

Before I get into the whole story let me explain about “Bubblews” This is an amazing social networking site. “What makes it so amazing,” you may ask? It’s different than any other site because it PAYS YOU for every post, of 40 CHARACTERS or more, which you make. It also pays you every time someone views and/or comments on one of your posts. Yes, you read that correctly. And yes, I wrote that correctly. We’re not talking 40 words, we’re talking 40 characters. Once your total income reaches $50.00 you can cash it out to your PayPal account. Pretty cool, huh? Oh, and it’s FREE to join. I’ve been on the site since February of 2014 and so far, I’ve found it to be all it’s claimed to be. So, what are you waiting for, go join already, but do it AFTER you finish reading this post, thanks. That said, I can now go on and finish today’s post.

I started a post on Bubblews this past week which I intentionally listed under the “Personal” category instead of the Sci-Fi category even though the post is strictly Sci-Fi. Why have I done this? I thought it would be fun to start a story that anyone, and everyone, could participate in. I’m calling it Sci-Fi Live. Here’s what I did.

I made the post appear to be a genuine conversation type topic but it’s not. The story began with an introduction to a strange night at my “boyfriend’s” house. The next post refers to his lost dog, and then finding his dog deceased. The intent behind this is to build a reader base where the reader can also become the writer/creator of the story through participation in the comment section of the posts. For example, in the first post I mention a loud boom that I heard, and then I ask if anyone else heard anything. I had hoped that people would catch on right away, as I included a disclaimer, but so far only one person has *shrug* What are you going to do? It’s for that reason that I decided to write about it here. This way I can explain my intentions without damaging the integrity of the story line.

I plan on leading the story into an alien/zombie apocalypse type scenario and I’m hoping that I can get people to play along. That’s where the whole “Live” portion of the Sci-Fi Live comes into play. I thought it would be a lot of fun to have various people describing their own part in the story. Perhaps they too heard the boom, or maybe they will eventually be fighting off zombie type creatures as they plead for assistance in the comments. Part of the disclaimer reads that any comment made will be utilized in the story line, so maybe John Doe will be telling Jane Smith that their house was over run today and they had to find a new location to hide, ect... I hope I’m making this clear. If not, please let me know and I’ll try to clarify it further.

My overall hope for this effort is that people will begin to start their own interactive stories on Bubblews. I think this could become an awesome medium for people’s creative well being. And, what’s best of all? You get paid to write it! How awesome is that? Every writer I’ve ever known wants to get paid to write and now we have an opportunity to do so, plus we aren’t leashed to a specific topic or condition. It’s all us! I’m really quite excited about this idea if you haven’t noticed and I hope that it takes off, primarily because it has the potential to be really fun. So, I’m going to go and write today’s post on Bubblews and I hope to see you there.

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